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Tesco caps online food delivery orders to 80 items to deal with demand


Tesco will restrict food delivery orders to 80 items per customer from now on, the supermarket has said in an email to customers.

The restriction has been put in place by Tesco “to increase the number of customers we can safely deliver to”. Online orders that have already been placed are unaffected, unless a customer makes any changes to their basket. 

Tesco had previously limited all its products to a maximum of three per customer, for both online orders and in store. Buying restrictions is one of the number of ways that supermarkets are trying to cope with the unprecedented demand, as more people turn to online grocery delivery services.

Tesco also added: “We’re at full capacity for the next few weeks and we ask those who are able to safely come to stores to do so, instead of shopping online. This will help us free up more slots for the more vulnerable.”

More help for the vulnerable soon

A government database of vulnerable shoppers in England will soon be available to retailers to help them prioritise delivery slots for those who need it most. Both Sainsbury’s and Waitrose will begin contacting people on the list soon. 

The move by Tesco will come as a relief to many as supermarkets continue to adapt to the high demand for food delivery orders. 

While shoppers have been urged to use the services responsibly, Tesco are hoping the 80 item restriction will free up more delivery slots for customers. 

Via BBC News